Bleach 425 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Bleach Spoiler 425 Raw

Bleach 425 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Bleach Spoiler 425 Raw,Bleach 425 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Bleach Spoiler 425 Raw,Bleach 425 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, Bleach Spoiler 425 Raw

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  1. Mada Uchiha

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    Bleach 425 SPOILER

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    Bleach 424 ITA

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  2. Mada Uchiha

    User deleted

    Script, translation, and PicsSource : 2ch & BA
    Credit : Anime Pro Destiny
    All Pics:HERE

    by Sheetz

    Ichigo dreams of being awaken by somebody.
    There's a shadow that looks like Renji.
    Another shadow that looks like Byakuya.
    Another one that looks like Rukia.

    Then Isshin wakes him up for real.
    It's a hectic morning.

    At school.
    There's a meeting about invitations tor club activities.
    They talk about how many to make.

    Inoue: Being in high school is an idle existence.

    Ishida: This here is bad.
    Is Kurosaki here?
    What for?


    Credits: 2ch

    Status: Pending



    by Sheetz
    Ichigo dreams of being awaken by somebody.
    There's a shadow that looks like Renji.
    Another shadow that looks like Byakuya.
    Another one that looks like Rukia.

    Then Isshin wakes him up for real.
    It's a hectic morning.

    At school.
    There's a meeting about invitations tor club activities.
    They talk about how many to make.

    Inoue: Being in high school is an idle existence.

    Ishida: This here is bad.
    Is Kurosaki here?


    source: FLOL
    credits: maaru
    544 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/11/02(火) 20:10:48 ID:Td/FvixtP

    It skips to Orihime humming a tune in the corridor.
    後輩A 井上先輩だ
    Kouhai A: it's Inoue Orihime.
    後輩B スゲーよなー 俺あの人見たとき この高校入ってよかった!って思ったもん
    kouhai B: She's incredible. When I see her, I keep thinking, it's great that I got into this school!
    後輩A 俺こないだカオ写ってる写メ撮ったぜ
    Kouhai A: Well, the other day I managed to get a picture of her face.
    後輩B まじか!送れソレ!!
    Kouhai B: You serious?! Send it to me!!

    井上 ん? ややっ!
    Inoue: Hm? Oh, it's been a while!
    窓から井上 黒崎くーーん!!たつきちゃーーん!!
    Orihime, calling out from the window: Kurosaki-ku~n!! Tatsuki-cha~n!!
    イチゴ おう井上…
    Ichigo: Hey, Inoue...
    井上 排水管ツタって降りてくる
    Orihime nearly falls and grabs onto a drainpipe.
    イチゴ バカあぶねエ
    Ichigo: Idiot, that's dangerous!
    タツキ パンツ見えるよ
    Tatsuki: I can see your panties from here.

    Tatsuki whacks Orihime with a fist.
    井上 痛い!!
    Inoue: Ouch!!
    タツキ あたりまえでしょ 今度あんな危ないことしたら もっと強くゲンコツするからね!!
    Tatsuki: Of course! That was really dangerous just now, I should hit you harder!!
    井上 今のより強く!? あたま割れちゃう!!
    Inoue: Harder than just now?! You'll break my head!!
    イチゴ そんなにギャイギャイ怒んなくてもいーだろ ケガしなかったんだから
    Ichigo: That's enough, don't get so roarin' mad now. At least she's not hurt.
    タツキ うるさい!織姫の教育についてガタガタ言われる筋合いないわよ!
    Tatsuki: Shut up! Don't go rattling off when Orihime's training doesn't concern you!
    イチゴ ガタガタ言ってねーだろ!井上がかわいそうだって言ってんだよ!!
    Ichigo: I'm not rattling on about it! I said it because Inoue looked hurt!!
    タツキ それがガタガタ言ってんの!!
    Tatsuki: That's why I said you don't need to rattle on!!
    井上 あ あのさ! あたし黒崎くんと たつきちゃんに相談があるんだけど!!
    Inoue: AH, Uhm! I have something to discuss with Kurosaki-kun and Tatsuki-chan!!
    タツキ イチゴ 相談?
    Tatsuki, Ichigo: Discuss?
    井上 うん 実わね…
    Inoue: Un. The truth is...

    井上 あたしが人生のテーマソングにしてる そのときどきで丁度いい位置にいる芸人さんをドレミにのせて応援するワハハの歌なんだけど
    Inoue: I'm making my life's theme song. But sometimes it needs another performer to respond to the Do-Re-Mi by singing Wahaha at just the right spot, so...
    イチゴ 丁度いい位置って何だよ
    Ichigo: What, at the right spot...
    井上 実はさいきんハミングでしか歌ってないの
    Inoue: Actually, lately I can't sing anything but that song
    タツキ いいことないんじゃないの?
    Tatsuki: You can't think of anything good?
    井上 なんでだと思う?
    Inoue: What do you think?
    タツキ 成長したんでしょ
    Tatsuki: You need to grow up. *
    井上 残念
    Inoue: Sorry about that.*
    イチゴ うおおおお それどうやってんだ!?目が3みたいになってんぞ!?
    Ichigo: Uwoooooooh. And how're you gonna do that?! Grow 3 eyes or something?! *
    タツキ 織姫 顔芸上達したなあ…
    Tatsuki: Orihime, you're getting really good at using that face...*
    井上 正解は! ド の位置を どくろ団にするか どぶロックにするかで決めかねているからでしたー どっ ちがいいと思う?
    Inoue: Correct answer! At 'DO's location should I put a bunch of skulls? Or a double-lock? I couldn't decide because I fell asleep- Which one do you think is good?*
    [*Trans note: **** IT. I spent several minutes going DDD: because I can't understand where the topic went - Either I badly need context or Orihime's randomness has beaten me! /sobs ]
    タツキ イチゴ どっちでもいい!
    Tatsuki, Ichigo: Either way is fine!!
    タツキ あ!そうだ!こんなことやってる場合じゃなかった!
    Tatsuki: Ah! Oh yeah! If it's that, then you can try that thing!
    井上 どうしたの?たつきちゃん
    Inoue: What is it? Tatsuki-chan.
    井上 バイト!織姫もあるんでしょ?早く帰んな
    Inoue: Part-time job! Orihime has one too, right? Hurry up and go home.
    [T/N: I think this is attributed to the wrong person. Orihime doesn't refer herself in the 3rd person, right? I think Ichigo or Tatsuki said it]
    イチゴ 大変だなーがんばれよー
    Ichigo: That's pretty hard-. Good luck with that-
    タツキ あんたも人ごとみたいなカオしてるけど ちゃんとバイト先に連絡したの?
    Tatsuki: You mess around with other people's stuff too but, why don't you at least tell her properly before her part-time job?
    Ichigo doesn't speak.
    タツキ あんた前もそれで店長さんにギッチギチにシボられたんでしょ! ちゃんと連絡しとかないと知らない よー
    Tatsuki: You really pressured that store manager from before! At least tell her properly or she'll never know-
    [T/N: Ok, I'm a bit lost whose part-time job they're discussing, but it's a little serious all of a sudden.]
    副キャプテン 黒崎センパーイ そろそろ練習に参加してくださーい 黒崎せんぱー
    Soccer vice-captain: Kurosaki-sempai, please participate more with the practice exercises, Kurosaki-sempa-
    イチゴ キーパーグローブ投げて。。。。校舎裏に
    Ichigo: Oh, I lost the keeper's glove... gotta go behind the school building-

    電話 店長 馬鹿かっ お前自分が何言ってんのかわかってんのか!?先週休んでそのあと1日しか来てねえの に また一週間休むだあ!?
    Store manager on the phone: Are you an idiot? You can't even come here and tell me yourself? You've been on break last week, where you didn't even come for a single day at all, and now you want another week off?!
    イチゴ いや だからスイマセンて言ってるじゃないスか…
    Ichigo: No, that's why I said I'm sorry, didn't I...
    店長 謝まりゃなんでもオッケーになると思ってんのか!!ゆとりかテメーは!! いいから来いクビにすんぞ テメー!!
    Store manager: You think it'll be ok with just an apology?! Like I have patience for that!! Come here or get fired-!!
    イチゴ マジすか じゃあしょうがないッスね
    Ichigo: You serious? Oh well, nothing I can do 'bout that
    店長 え!?  イヤイヤ…オイ 何言い出してんの?一護ちゃん…
    Store manager: Eh?! No, no... Hey. What the hell are you saying, Ichigo-chan...
    イチゴ 俺みたいな不マジメな奴はクビになってもしょうがないって言ったんすよ ホントスイマセンでした  長い間お世話になりました
    Ichigo: Well, nothing you can do but fire a guy like me who can't be serious about the job, right? I'm really sorry. Thank you for all the time you took care of me.
    店長 長くないじゃん!まだ半年じゃん!!何でも屋の面白さはまだこれからでしょうよ!! 俺達の冒険はま だまだ続くぜ
    Store manager: It wasn't a long time at all! It hasn't even been half a year!! Look, it hasn't been interesting in the store but from now on it'll be!! Our adventure is still going!
    イチゴ 携帯切りながら ご愛読ありがとうございましたー
    Ichigo: *while cutting off the phone line* Thank you very much-
    [T/N: WHAT.]

    545 :ohana ◆IR7jauNn4E :2010/11/02(火) 20:11:52 ID:Td/FvixtP
    >>543 >>544

    At the school gates.
    デブヤんキー  この学校に黒崎ってのがいるだろう!!出てこおい!!
    Fat delinquent: This school is where Kurosaki's at, huh?! Come out here!!
    イチゴ物影から 何だありゃ?いつの時代だよ あんな古風な知り合いいねーぞ
    Ichigo's shadowy silhouette: What the hell's this? When's the era you're from anyway, I don't know anyone this old-fashioned.
    デブヤんキー うちの奴がすいつに歯7本折られたんだよ!!7本てお前馬鹿か!! フツー折っても2本とか だろ!!
    Fat delinquent: Well, ya broke 7 of my teeth!! Seven, you bastard!!! It's usually just 2 at a time!!!
    イチゴ あー なるほど
    "Ichigo": Oh-. Is that so.
    デブヤンキー フフフ どっかで聞いてる黒崎よ!どうやって名前調べたんだとびびってガタガタ震えてんだろ う! 甘めえんだよ!テメーはガッツリ顔見られてんだ!調べはいくらでもつくんだよ! ともかく黒崎!テメ ーが出てくるまで この校門は俺達宮工が封鎖するぜ
    Fat delinquent: Fufufufu, haven't ya heard, Kurosaki! How I prepared myself and investigated you, ya should be shaking a least a bit! Too naive!! I've come to see yer bastard face turn ghastly! How long I've prepared should be more than enough! And now, Kurosaki! Now that you've come out, you bastard, these school gates will serve as our blockade
    石田 君達 古臭い真似はやめないか みんな迷惑してるのがわからないのか? いや君達は黒崎の友達にして は賢そうだ 僕の言う事くらい理解できるだろ? さあ さっさと帰るんだ
    Ishida: Won't you stop that old-fashioned style of yours. Don't you understand that you're bothering everyone here? No, well it's clever that you've found Kurosaki's friends. I understand that's what you were planning? Well then, hurry on home.
    ヤンキーB ああん?何んだ てめえが黒崎かあ?
    Delinquent B: Aaahn? What's this? Are you Kurosaki, you bastard?
    石田 …何だと?
    Ishida: ... What?

    石田、ヤンキーBに顔面パンチ ヤンキーB吹っ飛ぶ
    Ishida punches Delinquent B in the face, and he flies off.
    デブヤンキー ナメてんのかてめえ!!
    Fat delinquent: Ya makin' fun of us, ya bastard!!
    石田 舐めてるのかはこっちの台詞だ ガッツリ顔を見てるんじゃなかったのか?僕のどこが黒崎 だ?
    Ishida: That's my line. You wanted to see whose ghastly face, did you not? How the hell am I Kurosaki?
    デブヤンキー なんだこのメガネ!!
    Fat delinquent: What did you say, four-eyes?
    石田 前言撤回だ 帰らなくていい いや一人もここから帰れると思うな
    Ishida: I take back what I said before. You don't have to go home. In fact, I think you'll be walking home alone from here.
    イチゴ走り出す あのボケ 騒ぎデカクしに出てきたのかよっ!!
    Ichigo, running: That idiot, don't make such a big ruckus!!!

    校門の前には 足の影が。。。
    In front of the gates, the shadow of someone's feet...

    Everyday life, falling apart!! And what is the true form of these turbulent shadows...?!
    Til next week-
    背表紙は 藍前と小さくWW
    The spine seems to be a small front view of Aizen?

    Edited by Mada Uchiha - 2/11/2010, 16:30
  3. Nifo

    User deleted

    alla faccia dello spoiler xD
  4. Mada Uchiha

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3 replies since 1/11/2010, 18:39   154 views